IQ Business Live Events

Live Events

In our opinion, a live event is exactly that - alive! It informs and inspires, has personality, character, and an identity that must be nurtured in order to bring it to fruition.

IQ brings thoughtful attention to every stage of a live event, from concept to completion.

We begin with a consultative approach to gain clear insight into our clients’ issues and objectives. Then we apply our internal and external resources to craft your message.

  • Event branding
  • Theme and logo development
  • Meeting design, production and staging
  • Set design
  • Meeting room environments
  • Photography
  • Talent and speakers
  • Video and film production
  • Multimedia design and production
  • Copy and speech writing
  • Webcasting and satellite broadcasts


3395 American Drive, Unit 1, Mississauga, ON L4V 1T5